What do you know about SkyTeam Airline Alliance?

Dear {-Title-} {-EmbossedName-}, {-MemberTier-}{-IdNumber-}

SkyTeam was founded in 2000 and is now the world’s second largest airline alliance, with a membership of 19 airlines. SkyTeam’s airline network has now reached 1,036 destinations in 170 countries and territories around the world.

SkyTeam Member Airlines

Facts & Figures

1,036 + 

170 +
15,445 + 
Daily Departures

676 million +
Annual Passengers

Number of Lounges

Year of Formation

Vietnam Airlines and SkyTeam

Vietnam Airlines joined SkyTeam Airline Alliance on June 10, 2010, the first such move by a carrier in Southeast Asia.

Thanks to the SkyTeam membership, Vietnam Airlines passengers can access to a global system of products and services including a network covering more than 1,036 destinations, homogeneous and seamless services on journeys, earning miles and redeeming rewards for flying with SkyTeam member airlines; access to the alliance’s lounge system all over the world etc.

Frequent flyers of other SkyTeam members also enjoy the same benefits when taking Vietnam Airlines flights.

Yours sincerely,

Lotusmiles Program

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